Automation & Smart Systems: Successfully led Industry 4.0 projects, implementing advanced automation systems to enhance operational efficiency and boost revenue.
ERP & Financial Systems: Designed and deployed SAP ERP solutions, improving workflow optimization for large-scale operations.
Cloud & Data Solutions: Developed and optimized cloud-based architectures, enabling seamless data flow and enhanced scalability for high-impact business processes.
Software Development Expertise: Proficient in frameworks like Laravel, Vue.js, and React, with a strong emphasis on building user-friendly and robust applications.
ElCrisol Ideas, Bılbao, Spaın
Spearheaded Industry 4.0 models, enhanced UX, optimized campaigns, and leveraged data solutions to drive European business growth.
Alasature SL, Madrıd, Spaın
Automated payment systems, developed APIs, and optimized business strategy, boosting B2B profits in Europe.
Antalya Bılım Unıversıty Technology Transfer Offıce, Antalya, Turkey
Designed financial systems, implemented SAP ERP, and contributed to Metaverse-based solutions.
Tubıtak Deneyap, Antalya, Turkey
Taught programming courses and contributed to Turkey’s National Technology Advancement Program.
Kobıl Systems, Istanbul, Turkey
Designed user interfaces and collaborated on motion effects for international branding projects.
TheShalvar (Husufı) Actıve Wears, Antalya, Turkey
Founded activewear brand, achieving 160% profit, and marketed on Trendyol for competitive share.
Antalya Bılım Universıty, Antalya, Turkey
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering
Here are some ınternatıonal projects ı contrıbuted to.